Beanpoleland.com Updated: 11/30/2001
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Week 2 - Monday 3/18/1991

Setup: drums sounds, recording Mr. Brown

The band arrived with suggestions for the drum sounds. Primary concern was for the modern-sounding snare, with its 'boingy' tone and 'thwacky' attack. We asked Puig to bring out the snare's 'marchiness' factor, emphasizing the snap of the snare bands by reducing the compressor's release time. Puig immediately understood our request and suggested using a mic beneath the drum.

The drum doctor tuned the snare drum to increase its snare response while Puig added a bottom mic and adjusted the compressor settings. He eq'd the signal to further boost the snare band's metallic snap. The band was eventually satisfied.

By 2:00 we were ready to roll tape on the rhythm tracks for MISTER BROWN. Take 6 was best.

Puig tended to place several different mics on the same instrument to facilitate rapid comparison and selection in the control room. As Urbano hit the drums, Puig would audition each mic against the others by flicking switches on the mixing console. Whenever a band member voiced a complaint about a sound, Puig would select the group of mics that would produce the desired effect.

Winegar and I urged Puig to compress the drums into submission. An exasperated Puig responded, "I'm trying to make it as wimpy as possible."

The line-up was:




fretless Ibanez bass guitar through Boss overdrive stomp box, DI'd into the Neve outboard pre-amp


bass guitar

The drums were mic'd as follows:


Kick with AKG D30 (for drum tone) & Neumann U-47 (for beater attack)


Snare (multi-mic'd)


Stereo OH's


Stereo room mics



The eq'd and compressed signals were sent to 7 tracks on the 2" analog tape machine.

After Matt spent 15 minutes punching in corrections to his part. Berg recorded Emax II sampled Tanpura and real Tanpura parts. The real Tanpura was recorded with a Schoepps condenser mic through a Fairchild 670 compressor. The band disliked the sound and the track was marked for deletion.

We attempted to record Mellotron flutes (with a Mellotron unit rented for the duration of the album sessions) for the verse sections. The Mellotron output was taken from its onboard pre-amp and fed into the mixing board. Due to the Mellotron's intonation and mechanical problems, nothing useful was captured to tape. We gave up at 8:15 p.m. and left the studio.

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